Mandatory reporting required. Doubt it. It would mean requiring mandatory reporting, such as confession secrets in other faiths. I do not think that will be imposed on the WTBTS. One can only hope.
day 7 of the australian royal commission has chair justice peter mcclellan raising the point that i have been wondering about all along, which is, how can these elders not report child abuse to the authorities especially when a full confession has taken place?.
justice mcclellan asked toole, the wts's lawyer, if he is aware that there is a difference between an organisation being required to have mandatory reporting of child abuse to the authorities and misprision which is the concealment of a felony, itself a criminal offence?
toole says he is aware of it now but he wasn't before!
Mandatory reporting required. Doubt it. It would mean requiring mandatory reporting, such as confession secrets in other faiths. I do not think that will be imposed on the WTBTS. One can only hope.
i just found these vidoes on youtube, maybe you have seen them already, but i thought i would share.
these canadian kids for me are courageous and inspiring.
more excellent public examples of non vitrial apostate awakening.
My heroes!!!
I can only day dream of having the courage to exit it all, but in reality I can't.
My whole life is ruled by JW stuff, my whole family, my husband, they are all soooo hardcore JWs. Forget about it!
hp became the first city in calif. to appoint two undocumented immigrants.
as commissioners on city advisory.
city picked two immigrants to join the.
The GOP will take care of them along with all other undocumented people. Not undocumented whites, of course!
i felt it might be a good idea to post this so that sitting on the fence jw's or jw lurkers can see that this australia jw child abuse news of 1,006 jw child molesters not being reported to police by elders is a reality that has hit mainstream news media.
i thought this report was very well done.
here's the link :
Very damaging! Hopefully, policy changes are coming soon!
making donations to the worldwide work of jehovah's witnesses.
God needs money!!!
Oh, how I miss George Carlin.
2pm, january 9, 2010 san juan, puerto rico.... jws from all over the island take turns to use the biggest coliseum in the caribbean (jose miguel agrelot coliseum).
the big event... a brief 2-hour assembly featuring brooklyn bethel celebrities including anthony morris iii.
there had been a lot of excitement building up in the days preceding this event as there were rumors circulating that the society had a very special announcement to make.. after 2 ambiguous talks from 2 bethel speakers, anthony morris iii finally takes the stage and everyone is so thrilled to see him up close or on the big screen behind the stage.
Field service is the biggest nuisance in his religion! Whoever says they enjoy it is a big ass LIAR!!!
And then, to make it even less worth it, they want you to report less time than the time you waste doing it. So, one can leave the house by 9:15 a.m., returning home at 12:30, and due to the rules end up counting just 1 or 1 1/2 hrs for the field service report. The worst BS ever!
Because of this, most JWs inflate their hours.
are you pleased with the exposure of the society in australia?
do you feel personally vindicated by it?
do you think it gives you credibility with others now that all the things you said were going on, actually are documented?
Not a peep in the Spanish congs. Completely oblivious. If not for coming here, I would not suspect a thing.
remember there was a talk about not listening to "false stories" about sexual abuse from apostates on jw's fantasy station?
did the governing body put it out there as preemptive damage control because they knew this was coming?
they must have had subpoenas giving them a heads up.
Nothing will shake the faith of the true believer.
pdf links to anti-scientology books.
it was 1950, in the early, heady days of dianetics, soon after l. ron hubbard opened the doors of his first organization to the clamoring crowd.
Now, that's serious mind control!
JWs are nothing in comparison. So, quit your whining!!!
earlier this week i bumped into a couple of jws who i recognised from the cult cart.
a few months ago i had a long conversation with him one of them and found him to be quite friendly.
he is new to the area in the years since i left.. this time he was very defensive and said he wasn't allowed to talk to me.
Child abuse, along with any other human transgressions happen in any one group of people. Look/ask/investigate around. Sounds callous, I know, but it is the truth. No organization can control that.
They just need to change the authorities notification policy. The two witness policy is no longer, so there is some improvement in the case of accusations of physical/sexual abuse.
Also parents need to take better care of their young. Yes, parents.